Rumus 16 Tenses Bahasa Inggris |
Rumus 16 Tenses Beserta Contoh - Pada umumnya Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang sangat sederhana.
Gak percaya lihat selengkapnya :
Makan kita terjemahkan dalam Bahasa Inggris Eat sangat sederhana bukan ??
Kali ini kita akan mengulas habis 16 rumus tenses beserta contohnya, mari simak penjelasan dibawah ini :
oke.. kita mulai dari Kata Kerja, kata kerja basa kita kenal Verb dalam Bahasa Inggris pengertian Kata kerja adalah...
Kata Kerja (Verb)
Kata kerja terbagi menjadi 2 macam :
- Kata kerja beraturan (Regular Verb).
Kata kerja yang mempunyai keteraturan dalam bentuknya, adapun rumusnya misalnya ditambah akhiran "D" atau "ED" contohnya : live-lived-lived atau play-played-played.
2. Kata kerja tidak beraturan (Irregular Verb).
Misalnya kata kerja "Break" break-broke-broken, jadi berurut-urut untuk bentuk ke1 ke2 sampai ke3 contoh lagi drink-drank-drunk.
jangan lupa dengan kata kerja V1,V2,dan V3, karna itu akan sering digunakan dalam 16 tenses Bahasa Inggris.
To the poin to TENSES :
1. SIMPLE PRESENT (Waktu Sekarang)
The Formula :
Example :
+ makhrus drink water every morning.
- makhrus does not drink water every morning.
? does makhrus drink water every morning.
Nb : she, he, it = does
they, we, I, you = do
2. PRESENT CONTINUOUS (Waktu Sekarang Yang Sedang Berlangsung)
The Formula :
Exsample :
+ he is swiming now
- he is not swiming now
? is he swiming now ?
Nb : I = am
they, we, you = Are
she, he, it = is
3. PRESENT PERFECT (Waktu Sempurna Sekarang)
The Formula :
Exsample :
+ you have eaten mine
- she has not been to rome
? have you finished ?
4. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS (Waktu Berlangsung Sempurna Sekarang)
The Formula :
Example :
+ she has been going to cirebon since morning.
- she hasn't going to cirebon since morning.
? has she going to cirebon since morning ?
5. PAST TENSE (Waktu Lampau Sederhana)
The Formula :
Example :
+ we where at school yesterday.
- we were not at school yesterday.
? were we at school yesterday ?
Nb : I, she, he, it = was
they , we, you = were
6. PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE (Waktu Berlangsung Lampau)
The formula :
Example :
+ they were talking about sport when i meet him
- they were not talking about sport when i meet him
? were they talking about sport when i meet him ?
cukup sekian dari saya kurang lebihnya mohon maaf, dan SEMOGA BERMANFAAT BUAT KALIAN
To be continue....